+44 7426088501
Stowmarket, Suffolk

Frequently Asked Questions

Jackie Hill psychotherapy hypnotherapy and counselling services



Make an appointment with me today. I offer individual counselling/therapy,
relationship counselling.

I work with adults and couples.


With Jackie Hill BSc (Hons); Adv.Dip.SACH.Hyp.; MBHA; Dip.SW.DipHE








teaching training services






Enquire about availability below


counselling, relationship,life coaching counselling


With Jackie Hill BSc (Hons); Adv.Dip.SACH.Hyp.; MBHA; Dip.SW.DipHE








FAQs counselling



Whether it's with your partner or spouse
or perhaps with work colleagues or friendships
Or maybe family relationships
I can offer you a caring supportive environment to help you
find a way through those difficulties you face in your relationships

FAQs, frequently asked questions, psychotherapy questions, hypnotherapy questions, relationship counselling questions, life coaching questions

What is counselling and how can it help me?

For frequently asked questions and further information on Counselling and how it can help you, please click here.


For relationship counselling questions please click here

What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

The difference between counselling and psychotherapy

Counselling and psychotherapy are for people who are looking for support and treatment for a wide range of mental health and emotional issues.

Psychotherapy is a term used to describe a range of talking therapies. A psychotherapist is a professional who enables clients to overcome a range of emotional, social and mental health issues. Generally psychotherapy focuses on longer-term psychological problems.

Some counsellors will also use psychotherapy to help clients develop understanding and insight into their behaviours and feelings.  Often counselling is used to tackle problems at the time of a crisis so is generally short-term.

Finally, the simple act of talking through difficulties can help. At other times a more tailored therapy approach is required. This all depends on the nature of your concern and will be assessed during your first visit with me.

How many people in the UK have counselling or psychotherapy?

How many people in the UK have counselling or psychotherapy?

The exact figures are uncertain. Research shows that the number of qualified counsellors and psychotherapists have tripled in the last 10 years. Presumably this is to keep up with demand. All over the world there are millions of people affected by mental health problems. Those who do not experience some form of mental distress at some time during their life are probably fairly unusual and extremely lucky.

What issues does psychotherapy and counselling help with?

Issues helped by psychotherapy and counselling.

Psychotherapy and counselling can help with so many things, the list is endless. Here are just some of them: depression, anxiety, PTSD, relationship issues, sexuality, sexual issues, abuse (emotional, physical & sexual), bereavement, loss, redundancy, ill health, anger management, affairs, divorce and separation, parenting, self esteem, stress, anxiety, feeling low, self awareness, personal development and so on.

How do I know if I need counselling or psychotherapy?

Do I  need counselling or psychotherapy?

Only you can decide whether you wish to try counselling or psychotherapy. Just talking to someone confidentially who is not a friend or family member can make all the difference. Counselling and psychotherapy provide a regular time to explore your feelings and talk about your problems. I will help you develop better ways of coping allowing you to live the life you deserve.

Are counsellors regulated?

Counsellors and psychotherapists are not currently regulated in the UK.


What is the counsellors role?

The Counsellors role.

First of all I offer you an emotionally warm, safe and confidential environment for you to discuss your difficulties. This is so important and extremely relevant if I am to help you resolve or come to terms with them. This is sometimes know as a therapeutic relationship. The bottom line is that it is always about you and your needs.

How long will a counselling session last?

Counselling sessions will usually last 50 minutes. However this is often flexible and can be discussed with me before attending your first session.

How regularly do I need to have counselling sessions?

I usually offer weekly sessions, however this can vary depending on the type of therapy and your personal requirements.

Are the things we talk about private?


Be assured, everything we discuss together during your counselling session is  completely confidential. The same applies to skype and telephone discussions, although I cannot guarantee security of internet or phone connections.

I will never share information about you with others without your permission. Unless, of course, it involves risk of suicide, child abuse or intentions of serious harm to others.

There’s also no legal requirement of reporting to your GP. This means you can engage in counselling or therapy without the need to have a GP diagnose you with a mental illness.

What is Relationship Counselling?

For more information about Relationship Counselling please click here for specified webpage.

Can we use relationship counselling to help with separation?

Relationship counselling can help with separation or divorce.

Counselling can be very effective in negotiating a separation or a divorce. It can help you to process any emotions that you might be struggling to deal with. Furthermore it can help to bring the relationship to a conclusion with as little pain or misunderstanding as possible.

What is Couples Counselling

Couples Counselling.

At particular times of our lives relationships can be strained . For example, when a new baby is born, when finances are tight, or when facing redundancy. Bereavement of a family member, or in the event of an affair can also greatly impact on relationships. Whatever troubles you,  I will support and listen to you and help you explore the difficult emotions you are now experiencing.

Communication is one of the most common problems in a relationship.  Perhaps you cannot trust your partner, or you are facing major relationship issues such as separation or divorce. You might be in need of support as you face the future.

You may often feel angry, hurt, frustrated, devastated, or even numb. Counselling sessions can help you with a whole range of issues.

I will provide a safe non judgemental environment where you will have the opportunity to consider choices and mutually beneficial solutions. Everything shared during a session is confidential.

How will I feel?

How will I feel during counselling?

Everybody is different, and this is only somehthing you will know. Some clients report relief, and others nervousness. This all goes to prove there is no ‘right way to feel’ in your first (or any other counselling session).

FAQs counselling

What is psychotherapy and how can it help me?

Click here for further information about psychotherapy questions.

Are Psychotherapists regulated?

Counsellors and psychotherapists are not currently regulated in the UK.

What are the different types of psychotherapy?

For detailed infomation on the different types of psychotherapy please click here

Do I need to be referred to you from my GP?

No, you can contact me direct by email or by phone.

Can I contact you in regard to someone else?

Can I contact you in regard to someone else?

Psychotherapy works best if the person concerned makes contact and is willing and actively involved in wanting and seeking help. However, it can be difficult if you are worried  about someone close to you and want to help. If this applies to you, please contact me so we can discuss the situation and see what ways I can support.

What type of psychotherapy do you provide?

My practice is not limited to just one method or approach.

I believe we are all unique as human beings and there is no one size fits all. Therefore I tailor therapy to meet your specific needs and draw from a number of theoretical models as appropriate. As an Integrative Psychotherapist I am trained in a wide range of different types of psychotherapy. Therefore you can be confident you are working with a skilled therapist.

There are so many different types of psychotherapy. How do I know which is the best type for me?

What type of psychotherapy is best for me?

Because there are so many different types of therapy models it may seem so confusing for you. The good news is that as an Integrative Psychotherapist I am trained in many different schools of psychotherapy. When you book an appointment with me I will first of all undertake an assessment. During this period I will discuss with you a number of options and together we can decide on the course of treatment.

The treatment we decide upon does not mean it is cast in stone. The process of what works is often discovered by trial and error. You can be assured that all types of therapy are always available and are often combined to get the best results for you. This is always my aim and purpose – to provide my best to get you the results you want.

How regularly do I need to have therapy sessions?

How regularly do I need to have therapy sessions?

I usually suggest weekly sessions especially to start with. However this can vary depending on the type of therapy and your personal requirements.

How long will a therapy session last?

How long will a therapy session last?

Each session will usually last 50 minutes. However this is often flexible and can be discussed with me before attending your first session.

Are the things we talk about private?


Be assured, everything we discuss together during your counselling or therapy session is  completely confidential. The same applies to skype and telephone discussions, although I cannot guarantee security of internet or phone connections.

I will never share information about you with others without your permission, unless it involves risk of suicide, child abuse or intentions of serious harm to others.

There’s also no legal requirement of reporting to your GP (with extreme exceptions, of course). This means you can engage in counselling or therapy without the demand to have a GP diagnose you with a mental illness.

What if I don't like it?

What if I don’t like it?

People often feel scared when seeking help for difficult emotions or feelings. No one likes to talk about things that are difficult. During therapy it may sometimes feel hard for a while before it gets to feel easier.  Consider what you don’t like and how it feels, and try to talk this through with me. Like all human relationships, some work and some don’t. If you still feel that you are not connecting with me after talking it through maybe changing to another therapist will be more helpful to you.

How will I feel?

How will I feel?

Everybody is different, and this is only something you will know. Some clients report relief, and others nervousness. This all goes to prove there is no ‘right way to feel’ in your first (or any other counselling session).

What happens in the first appointment?

The first appointment.

The first 2 or more sessions are known as assessment. During these early sessions we will meet together and explore in detail what you want to achieve from therapy. We will also explore your difficulties and look for patterns and connections in the past and the present.

These sessions also provide an opportunity for us both to see how we feel working together. The therapeutic relationship is vital to the success of the treatment. It is important that you feel comfortable enough to open up to me as a therapist.

During these sessions I will share some of my thoughts and interpretations with you. In addition we will discuss whether the help I can offer is enough to support you in your difficulties.

What happens during a psychotherapy session?

Every person is unique so it is difficuIt to generalize and describe a typical session. Each person’s experience of therapy is different and varied. Usually the session starts with you talking about anything you have in mind. I will share my thoughts when appropriate, and help you to identify links that relate thoughts and feeling to events (past or present).

As the sessions progress, you will learn tools and skills that will allow you to be resilient when situations or painful experiences come up.

FAQs Hypnotherapy questions, counselling

What is hypnotherapy and how can it help me?

Hypnotherapy and how can it help me

For more information about hypnotherapy please visit this webpage by clicking here.

Is Hypnotherapy the same as stage hypnosis?

Stage hypnosis

Stage hypnosis uses willing participants who “want to be seen performing”. The hypnotist screens potential participants in advance of the show using a number of  susceptibility tests. The hypnotist does not have any actual power over them other than their desire to perform. The purpose is to create an illusion that someone can ‘take over’ another persons mind to get them to say and do things against their will. This is simply not possible. No person can take over another person’s mind using hypnosis. If it were possible we would all be like robots.


Hypnotherapy sessions use hypnosis which is a very natural state of relaxation. It is a state we all experience on a daily basis. It seems like the state of daydreaming, something almost all of experienced at school. It is at this point that you become more aware of your subconscious and at the same time totally aware of your surroundings. Which is why you immediately ‘snap back’ to attention if the teacher says your name or asks you a question.

Hypnotherapy uses this relaxed state during treatment to allow direct communication with the subconscious mind. By asking questions it is possible to uncover and resolve the cause behind a problem. This ensures the subconscious mind disposes of it completely and permanently. Hypnotherapy can help all kinds of physical, emotional, psychological and habitual problems.

Are hypnotherapists regulated?

Are hypnotherapists regulated?

As it stands hypnotherapists are not currently regulated in the UK. This means there are no laws which outline the level of training and experience required in order to practice. However, there are professional bodies where hypnotherapists can join, and whose process verifies proof of relevant qualifications and insurance cover.

I am a member of the The Hypnotherapy Association and the Complimentary and Natural Health Council.    In addition I am a Registered Practitioner with the General Hypnotherapy Register . I am also an Accredited Practitioner with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council. This means I have to undertake regular supervision, have professional insurance and be committed to continued professional development.

When can hypnotherapy be helpful?

Can hypnotherapy be helpful?

Hypnotherapy is widely endorsed as a treatment for habit breaking, stress  issues and for a range of long-term conditions. In recent years hypnotherapy has gained steam in the medical world. Particularly so after a recommendation from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Many people have found hypnotherapy as incredibly effective whether used alongside traditional treatment or  used independently.

What can hypnotherapy do for your health?

Health benefits of Hypnotherapy

While hypnotherapy may not cure underlying physical disorders, such as cancer, heart disease or infection, it can help boost the immune system. Hypnotherapy is also helpful in changing our attitudes to illness. Furthermore, hypnosis can help with the management of all types of pain. It can help to ease symptoms and reduce the effects of chronic conditions such as IBS, asthma, panic attacks etc.

Hypnotherapy can be used to treat a huge number of issues including anxiety, phobias, tension, compulsions and addictions. It can also enhance performance in situations that cause anxiety (ie improving athletic, public speaking and exam performance)

Can anyone be hypnotised?

Can anyone be hypnotised?

Almost everyone can be hypnotised. However, alcohol and drugs can hinder the process. It is best not to receive hypnotherapy whilst suffering a cold. As constant coughing and sneezing may prevent you from entering the hypnotic state.

How regularly will I see my hypnotherapist?

How regularly will I see my hypnotherapist?

We will decide together on how often we meet. Initially, we may meet on a weekly basis, but after a while you may choose to see me less often. It all depends on improvements and how you feel.

What happens during a hypnotherapy session?

Your first hypnotherapy session.

In your first session we will discuss what you want to gain from therapy and together we will set some goals. I will also gather some personal information. For example, lifestyle information, sleep patterns, any medical symptoms and history, plus any other involvement with gp and health providers. I will also explain how the treatment works, and practical details such as how many sessions may be needed.

How long is a hypnotherapy session?

How long is a hypnotherapy session?

The length of your therapy session is really dependant on your circumstances. Generally speaking, a hypnotherapy session will usually take 50 – 60 minutes.

How many hypnotherapy sessions will I need?

Number of sessions.

The duration of therapy will really be dependant on your circumstances and the reason for which you are seeking hypnotherapy. I will let you know how many sessions I feel you might need when you start therapy. I will be flexible when it comes to decreasing or extending the number of sessions to correlate with your progress.

What does hypnosis feel like?

What does hypnosis feel like?

There is no fixed ‘hypnotised feeling’. Every person reacts differently to hypnosis. Many people feel at ease and aware of their surroundings, as in a relaxed daydream.

What will happen afterwards?

After hypnotherapy

Most people report feeling of tranquil and calm after a hypnotherapy session. During hypnosis you may also be given post-hypnotic suggestions. This is a suggestion which involves an action to be carried out later when you are in a normal waking state. For example it maybe associating the word STOP everytime you feel like lighting up a cigarette. 

You may be given training in self-hypnosis to help you in specific situations, or to enhance treatment between sessions.

Will I lose control?

Will I lose control?

Hypnotherapy cannot make you do anything against your will. Whilst hypnotised you are in complete control of your mind and are entirely free to think your own thoughts.

What if I don't come out of hypnosis?

You will always come out of hypnosis.

Hypnosis is not sleep and does not involve losing consciousness. Hypnosis is an enhanced state of relaxation. You remain aware of what is going on around you and will not at any time lose control. If anything, hypnotherapy heightens self-control and awareness.

We all enter a hypnotic state many times each day. For instance,when you are driving along and realise you cannot remember the last few miles. You have been driving safely and in control. You’ve reacted to traffic and the road conditions, but you were in fact in a light state of hypnosis.

Can I be made to do something against my will?

Can I be made to do something against my will?

No. You remain in control throughout hypnosis. In the unlikely event that a suggestion were contrary to your values, beliefs or principles, you would ignore it or come out of hypnosis spontaneously.

What is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming was initially created in 1975 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They began modelling and duplicating the ‘magical results’ of a few top communicators and therapists. In these studies they looked at how these people processed their thoughts to enable them to produce successful results. These models were duplicated in a series of techniques which can be applied to anyone.

life coaching questions

What is life coaching?


Life coaching focuses you on exactly what you want to achieve and gets you there faster. We often go through life constantly busy ‘doing things’. Rarely do we stop and consider our future, and where we want to be. I will help you to do just that.

I will be dedicated to you and your future. In each session I will listen, encourage, support and motivate you and help to keep you focussed. Furthermore I will help you identify options available to you that you may not otherwise considered.

How is Life Coaching different from Counselling or Psychotherapy?

Life coaching verses counselling or therapy.

In some ways they are similar in the sense that I ask you questions and sometimes there is a lot of soul-searching. However, Counselling and Psychotherapy investigate the underlying causes of mental health and emotional problems. This  proccess usually explores issues of the past, whereas, life coaching focuses more on the future.

What sort of person has a life coach?

Is there a particular kind of person who has a life coach?

Every type of individual will come to me for coaching. The only thing many of them have in common is the desire to change part of their life.

What are the benefits of Life Coaching?

The benefits of life coaching.

The main benefit of life coaching is having someone that is solely dedicated to you and the achievement of your goals. I offer a non-judgemental, supportive, and encouraging service, and will motivate you just when you need it. I will keep you focussed on where you want to be and keep you moving forward in the right direction. My aim is to enable you to get to where you want to be in life, much faster than you could on your own.

How do the life coaching sessions work?

Practicalities of Life Coaching

Coaching sessions can take place at my office with phone and email support inbetween, or alternative via Skype. My fees are the £60 for 50 minutes, and payable in advance. Sessions can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Whatever suits your life and the speed at which you can take actions to achieve your goals.

We will recap on the actions set and achieved from the last session and look at general progress. We will then set a ‘session goal’ . This is to clarify what you want to achieve by the end of the day’s session.

Next we will explore where you are at the moment with that particular goal. Looking at what you have tried; what has worked and what hasn’t. We then will explore all the possible options in achieving that goal. We’ll do this by using lots of techniques finding options that you have never thought of before. Finally, we look at what actions you want to set yourself from the list of options to achieve next goal.

What happens during a life coaching session?

An average life coaching session.

Normally every session begins with a summary of the last session. We will look at what has been achieved since the last session and review the list we made together. We will discuss all the progress made and note any successes.  Together we will decide on what you want to achive by the end of the session. We will also explore where you are in that journey.

We will look at what you have tried, what has worked for you, and what doesn’t seem to be working and why. Together we will explore all the possible options in achiveing that goal. Finally, we look at what actions you want to set yourself  to take before the next session.

How long is a life coaching session?

Length of each session

Life coaching sessions are approximately 50 minutes to begin with. After a while, shorter sessions may be all that is needed. These sessions can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly, whatever works best for you. The great thing about life coaching is flexibility.

How many life coaching sessions will I need?

The number of coaching sessions.

The number of coaching sessions is entirely up to you. Most people have a specific goal in mind when they come to life coaching. The first step will be to break the main goal down into a series of smaller goals or steps. Each small goal or step is to move you closer to your overall goal. For some people this may take as little as 6 sessions and for others it will be more. It is a very personal decision based on your individual goal. The choice is yours.

Where does the coaching take place?

Where does coaching take place?

Initially it is a good idea to meet face to face at my therapy room in Harold Wood. If this is not possible due to distance or time then we can meet face to face through Skype.

A lot of the time coaching can take place over the phone or online through Skype. We agree a time that is mutually convenient when you can phone me and the session takes place as normal. This is a very effective way to fit coaching into your busy life. You will need to find a quiet room away from any distractions so you can be focused on the session.

What do I have to do to get the best from life coaching?

What do I have to do to get the best from life coaching?

You need a positive attitude and commitment towards the achievement of your goal. In addition you need to be open and honest with me and yourself. Furthermore, you will need to have the time and commitment to complete the actions you set from each session.

How will I feel?

How will I feel?

At first it may feel strange to be the focus of attention and to be listened to. However, after while, it is often usual to  feel excited and empowered. For many people it is a new experience to have someone interested in helping you achieve your dream. As you start to achieve the small goals you set yourself, it is likely you’ll feel more determined to succeed.  Your confidence will increase and beliefs about yourself will become more positive. Furthermore you will have a sense of purpose in your life.

What about confidentiality?


You can be assured of complete confidentiality.

Frequently Asked Questions – faqs