Without doubt the Coronavirus has become a major concern for everyone. With the nation in lock down and following the keeping safe advice from our Government we are all in the process of change. Learning how to stop touching your face like all habits can be difficult.

For many change is not easy… and changing so much in our lives all at once can be so hard. It’s difficult enough when we want to change a behaviour but whether we want to or not, we are all going to need to change in many ways in order to protect ourselves and others.

Along with the protective measures we are taking, such as social distancing, staying indoors, working at home (if possible) and frequent thorough hand-washing, many people have become aware of just how often they touch their face.

Like me, I’m guessing most people have never given a thought to how often we touch our face. It’s something we do automatically. Absentmindly, without thinking. Until now…

stop touching your face
Picture credit Svetlana Shamshurina

Most of us now are aware of how touching your face can spread the virus. This is because when someone’s hands tough their face, especially the eyes, nose or lips, that is moment when the virus can get direct access into the body. If you’ve touched something contaminated with the virus, touching your face transmits it.

Whilst not touching your face does not give you a guarantee that you’ll not pick up the virus, it will however, significantly decrease the likelihood of doing so.

So here comes the crunch…

How do you stop an automatic behaviour?

This may feel like a huge challenge… but it is not impossible! In fact you might pleasantly surprised at just how easy and simple it can be.

For the sake of your health perhaps now is the time to stop this habit. Not just for now, while this coronavirus is around, but in the future as most germs, bacteria, bugs and viruses enter our body through touching our face with contaminated hands.

Most of our behaviours come from the unconscious mind…

Let’s take a simple thing like walking to the shops. I’m betting that as you are walking along you are thinking about all sorts of things. Where you are going or what you will buy. Perhaps you are talking to someone, or noticing the things around you. One thing’s for sure, you are not thinking about walking. You are not consciously thinking what leg you will move first or how you are going to move your legs. You just do it.

This is because before you started to walk you observed other people and saw them walking. You learned to walk by observing and copying others. Yes it was hard at first. And there were many times you fell over and hurt yourself. But determined as you were, you persevered until eventually you mastered how to walk. What an amazing feeling that was! And once you learnt how to walk, walking became automatic and you no longer needed to think about how to walk. Your subconscious mind did it for you.

Touching your face also has become a habit. Started long before you learnt to walk, likely when you were in your mother’s womb. The same principle applies here. Once you learned to do it your subconscious turned it into an automatic behaviour.

So now the good news…

Hypnosis is a wonderful way whereby we can communicated directly with the subconscious mind. This is why today I giving you a free hypnosis download which I’ve created which will help you learn how easy it is to lessen the contact between your hands and your face. CLICK HERE to download.

Don’t worry. This won’t stop you touching your face completely as sometimes it is necessary to do so. Instead, you will become more conscious of doing so. A change from frequent mindless touching.

I hope you find this post helpful and enjoy the download. Being deeply relaxed is grounding in itself and helps you remain calm. I hope you find the hypnosis helpful in stopping you from touching your face. Please share it with others so that they can keep safe too.

In the coming weeks l will post more helpful suggestions and giveaway downloads on how we can navigate through this storm. I will of course continue to be work remotely providing therapy sessions online. If you feel you need that extra support or have specific issues you want help dealing with just drop me a line on jackie@jackiehillcounselling.com or call me on 07426088501 to arrange an appointment on Skype. Further information on arranging an on-line appointment can be found here

Stay safe and keep well,

Until the next time,

Jackie Hill

PS Don’t forget to get your free hypnosis download to stop touching your face by CLICKING HERE